Monday, October 5, 2015

Ninja Game progress and Twitter account

I have been working on this -still unnamed- small game, let's call it Ninja Game for now.
I created this simple minimalist red ninja in 3D, its animations, and worked on the wall-jump programming. Everything going good so far.

Now I need to program some of the most difficult (and bug prone) parts of this game. Based on the section of the level you are, the gravity will change and controllers will change with it. Let's say the gravity is going from right to left (instead of going down), the controllers must now change so the player needs to use up and down directions for wall jumping (instead of left and right). If it was not clear don't worry, I will upload a video as soon as I get it working :).

Going to other breaking news, now I have Twitter account @ForestGameDev!
I know what you are thinking, but let me clarify that I had a personal Twitter account I never used (I just didn't find it interesting). But now that I'm being a little more "social" about my games and projects, this account has a little more purpose and it's interesting to follow some other indie game developers and projects as well.

Also I'm working on some changes for this site, but there's no point in talk about that, better continue working on them and eventually you will see ;).

I will share soon a little more of Ninja Game!

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