Sunday, March 1, 2015

Game progress: Defender Blender - Making walls

I started to write this telling how busy my week was and the problems I was having to make the walls work, then I thought that it would be much better to spend a little time trying to fix them rather than write a big post here, so I did it and I managed to make my walls work :)

I'm not going to go into many details this time. As I said in my previous entry the difficulty in make my walls was that I'm doing all my characters movement kinematic, i.e. not affected by the physics engine, instead I write how all the collisions should work, it gives me more control as developer but more headaches too.

Well, this is my results for this week:
  1. The walls stop my character if touched from the sides (i.e. it can't go through the walls)
  2. The character interrupts its jumping if hit a wall from below
  3. The character can walk on the wall as with other platforms



Next week will work on the how-to-play level design using this walls. Maybe I will need some other new elements but I'm not sure yet.

Thanks for reading, see you next week!

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